Thursday, November 10, 2011

Koala Framework: Open Source Web Application and CMS Framework

This post is not KDE related, but about Open Source - not entirely off topic on PlanetKDE.

The company I work for recently decided that we release our Framework and CMS as Open Source Software. This is very exciting for all of us and especially me - as I brought that topic on the table again and again. And finally we did it :D

It's a framework to create anything that runs in a browser: from a website or blog to a desktop like web application. It's built on solid grounds: Zend Framework (Php framework) and ExtJS (JavaScript framework).

Screenshot showing an simple example web application [more screenshots]

Screenshot showing the CMS with a text component being edited [more screenshots]
The current state is that the framework is used in our company for lots of different projects, but due to we just got opensource we have no community yet. We are also lacking of good documentation - but we are willing to fix that - if we succeed in building an community around it.

So if you are interested in such a framework visit the Koala Framework website to get more information and join the mailing list.